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Toyota Land Cruiser KZJ 7O 3OOO TD

  • Engine 3000 turbo diesel bringing great performance with power transmission on all four whiles on off-road mode and rear whiles on road mode. The front and rear differential is equipped with full mechanical lockers “ARB”
  • The engine, gearbox, transmission differentials and electric installation are hermetic, prepared for working in a water, mud and dust.
  • Air inlet system equipped with a snorkel allowing the vehicle to pass the water 120-cm deep.
  • Reinforced and lifted by 3’professional rally suspension with 8 shock absorbers, and 31' off-road tires are making the whole vehicle very strong and damage resistant on extreme off-road as well as very well controllable on high drive on not paved surfaces.

  • Chase and front differential is equipped with special protections.
  • Additionally air compressor on board is allowing changing the pressure in tires depending on surface (mud, sand, rock).
  • For accurate rally navigation car is equipped wit GPS and Trip Master.
  • Vehicle is equipped with roll cage, sport seats and 4 point safety belts all certified by FIA and all safety features required by FIA.

Additional equipment for non desert rallies

Mechanic power winch on front and electric power winch Superwinch X9 on the back is  making the vehicle unstoppable in off-road conditions.
